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Koch S, Bosch H, Giereth M, Ertl T.  2010.  Iterative Integration of Visual Insights during Scalable Patent Search and Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Koch S, Bosch H, Giereth M, Ertl T.  2011.  Iterative Integration of Visual Insights during Scalable Patent Search and Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 17:557-569.
Koch S, Bosch H, Giereth M, Ertl T.  2009.  Iterative Integration of Visual Insights during Patent Search and Analysis. IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology. Abstract
Kurzhals K, Heimerl F, Weiskopf D.  2014.  ISeeCube - Visual Analysis of Gaze Data for Video. Proceedings of the 2014 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA). :43–50.
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Klemm P, Oeltze S, Lawonn K, Hegenscheid K, Völzke H, Preim B.  2014.  Interactive Visual Analysis of Image-Centric Cohort Study Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).
John M, Koch S, Heimerl F, Müller A, Ertl T, Kuhn J.  2015.  Interactive Visual Analysis Of German Poetics. Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2014 (Short Paper).
Vögele A, Hermann M, Krüger B, Klein R.  2012.  Interactive Steering of Mesh Animations. In proceedings of 2012 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation.
Höferlin M, Höferlin B, Weiskopf D, Heidemann G.  2011.  Interactive Schematic Summaries for Exploration of Surveillance Video. ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR). :9:1--9:8.
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Kumar C, Ahlers D, Heuten W, Boll S.  2013.  Interactive Exploration of Geographic Regions with Web-based Keyword Distributions . Proceedings of the 3rd European Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval. :11-14.
Vrotsou K, Zhi H, Peca I, Andrienko G, Andrienko N.  2012.  Interactive exploration of events and presence of people in space and time through KD-photomap. AVI'12, Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. :804-805.