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Filters: Project is [Project Phase 2] Developing new visual analysis methods to be integrated into simulation processes focusing on the exploration of cell biological systems in space and time  [Clear All Filters]
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Neuber A.  2014.  Entwicklung eines History-Mechanismus für Multi-Präsenter Szenarien. University of Rostock, Germany. B. Sc.
Nguyen D, Schumann H.  2013.  Web-Based Exploration of Photos with Time and Geospace. Web Information Systems and Technologies. 140:153--166.
Radloff A, Luboschik M, Sips M, Schumann H.  2011.  Supporting Display Scalability by Redundant Mapping. Proceedings of Advances in Visual Computing - International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC'11).
Radloff A, Fuchs G, Schumann H.  2012.  Supporting Visual Analysis in Smart Meeting Rooms. Proceedings of the EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA'12).
Richter C, Luboschik M, Röhlig M, Schumann H.  2015.  Sequencing of categorical time series. Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 2015 IEEE Conference on. :213-214.
Röhlig M, Luboschik M, Krüger F, Kirste T, Schumann H, Bögl M, Alsallakh B, Miksch S.  2015.  Supporting activity recognition by visual analytics. Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST). :41-48.
Röhlig M, Luboschik M, Kundt G, Stachs O, Peschel S, Zhivov A, Guthoff RF, Winter K, Schumann H.  2014.  Visuelle Analyse zur Früherkennung einer Diabetischen Neuropathie. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde, Sonderausgabe zu Neuen Technologien. 231:1162–1169.
Rosenbaum R, Schulz H-J, Hadlak S, Schumann H.  2012.  Visual Analysis of Spatiotemporal Multilevel Data. Proceedings of the Workshop GeoVA(t) - Geospatial Visual Analytics: Focus on Time.
Rybacki S, Leye S, Himmelspach J, Uhrmacher A.  2012.  Template and Frame based Experiment Workflows in Modeling and Simulation Software with WORMS. Seventh IEEE 2012 World Congress on Services - Sixth International Workshop on Scientific and Engineering Workflows: Advances in Data and Event-Driven Workflows.
Schulz H-J, Uhrmacher A, Schumann H.  2011.  Visual Analytics for Stochastic Simulation in Cell Biology. Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (iKNOW'11).
Schulz H-J, Hadlak S, Schumann H.  2013.  A Visualization Approach for Cross-level Exploration of Spatiotemporal Data. Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (iKNOW'13).
Schulz H-J, Nocke T, Heitzler M, Schumann H.  2013.  A Design Space of Visualization Tasks. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 19(2):2366--2375.
Schumann H, Tominski C.  2011.  Analytical, Visual, and Interactive Concepts for Geo-Visual Analytics.. Visual Languages & Computing. Vol. 22, No. 4:pp.257-267.
Streit M, Schulz H-J, Lex A, Schmalstieg D, Schumann H.  2012.  Model-Driven Design for the Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 18(6):998--1010.
Tominski C, Schulz H-J.  2012.  The Great Wall of Space-Time. Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV'12).
Tominski C, Forsell C, Johansson J.  2012.  Interaction Support for Visual Comparison Inspired by Natural Behavior. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 18(12):2719--2728.