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Spehr M, Gumhold S, Fleming RW.  2011.  Sum-of-Superellipses - A Low Parameter Model for Amplitude Spectra of Natural Images. International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing 2011. 6978/2011:128--138.
Röhlig M, Luboschik M, Krüger F, Kirste T, Schumann H, Bögl M, Alsallakh B, Miksch S.  2015.  Supporting activity recognition by visual analytics. Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST). :41-48.
Radloff A, Luboschik M, Sips M, Schumann H.  2011.  Supporting Display Scalability by Redundant Mapping. Proceedings of Advances in Visual Computing - International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC'11).
Hadlak S, Schumann H, Cap CH, Wollenberg T.  2013.  Supporting the Visual Analysis of Dynamic Networks by Clustering associated Temporal Attributes. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 19(12):2267--2276.
Radloff A, Fuchs G, Schumann H.  2012.  Supporting Visual Analysis in Smart Meeting Rooms. Proceedings of the EuroVis Workshop on Visual Analytics (EuroVA'12).
Kumar C, Gruenefeld U, Heuten W, Boll S.  2014.  Swarming in the Urban Web Space to Discover the Optimal Region. IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence.
Albuquerque G, Löwe T, Magnor M.  2011.  Synthetic Generation of High-dimensional Datasets. {IEEE} Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics {(TVCG,} Proc. Visualization / InfoVis). 17
Schöning J, Heidemann G.  2016.  Taxonomy of 3D Sensors - A Survey of State-of-the-Art Consumer 3D-Reconstruction Sensors and Their Field of Applications. Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP). 3:194-199.
Sedlmair M, Tatu A, Munzner T, Tory M.  2012.  A Taxonomy of Visual Cluster Separation Factors. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EuroVis 2012). 31(3):1335-1344.
Schreck T, von Landesberger T, Bremm S.  2010.  Techniques for Precision-Based Visual Analysis of Projected Data.. IS&T/SPIE Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis (VDA 2010). Abstract
Rybacki S, Leye S, Himmelspach J, Uhrmacher A.  2012.  Template and Frame based Experiment Workflows in Modeling and Simulation Software with WORMS. Seventh IEEE 2012 World Congress on Services - Sixth International Workshop on Scientific and Engineering Workflows: Advances in Data and Event-Driven Workflows.
Oesterling P, Heine C, Weber GH, Scheuermann G.  2014.  A Topology-Based Approach to Visualize the Thematic Composition of Document Collections. Text Mining, Theory and Applications of Natural Language Processing. :63-85.
Aehnelt M, Schulz H-J, Urban B.  2013.  Towards a Contextualized Visual Analysis of Heterogeneous Manufacturing Data. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC'2013).