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Tominski C, Schulz H-J.  2012.  The Great Wall of Space-Time. Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV'12).
Krstajic M, Rohrdantz C, Hund M, Weiler A.  2012.  Getting There First: Real-Time Detection of Real-World Incidents on Twitter. 2nd IEEE Workshop on Interactive Visual Text Analytics ”Task-Driven Analysis of Social Media” as part of the IEEE VisWeek 2012.
Kumar C, Poppinga B, Haeuser D, Heuten W, Boll S.  2013.  Geovisual interfaces to find suitable urban regions for citizens: a user-centered requirement study . Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing adjunct publication. :741-744.
Hauser D.  2013.  Geovisual analytics for lay users: A user-centred approach. Department of Computing Science Media Informatics and Multimedia Systems Group. MsC
Liebmann T, Oesterling P, Jänicke S, Scheuermann G.  2014.  A Geological Metaphor for Geospatial-temporal Data Analysis.. IVAPP ’14: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Application. :161–169.
Kisilevich S, Keim DA, Rokach L.  2010.  GEO-SPADE: A generic google-earth based framework for analysis and exploration of spatiotemporal data.. 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. :13-20.
Helms T, Ewald R, Rybacki S, Uhrmacher A.  2014.  A Generic Adaptive Simulation Algorithm for Component-based Simulation Systems. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. 1(2)
Helms T, Ewald R, Rybacki S, Uhrmacher A.  2013.  A Generic Adaptive Simulation Algorithm for Component-based Simulation Systems. Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSIM conference on Principles of advanced discrete simulation.
Holz F, Teresniak S, Heyer G, Scheuermann G.  2010.  Generating a Visual Overview of Large Diachronic Document Collections based on the Detection of Topic Change. Proc. IVAPP 2010: International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications.
Lehmann DJ, Theisel H.  2016.  General Projective Maps for Multidimensional Data Projection. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics). 35:toappear.
Kurzhals K, Hlawatsch M, Heimerl F, Burch M, Ertl T, Weiskopf D.  2016.  Gaze Stripes: Image-Based Visualization of Eye Tracking Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 22:1005–1014.