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John M, Koch S, Heimerl F, Müller A, Ertl T, Kuhn J.  2015.  Interactive Visual Analysis Of German Poetics. Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2014 (Short Paper).
Schütze H, Jochim C.  2014.  Improving Citation Polarity Classification with Product Reviews. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
Vrochidis S, Bosch H, Moumtzidou A, Heimerl F, Ertl T, Kompatsiaris Y.  2012.  An Environmental Search Engine based on Interactive Visual Classification. ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis for Ecological Data (MAED 2012).
Schütze H, Yin W.  2015.  Discriminative Phrase Embedding for Paraphrase Identification. 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies.
Yaghoobzadeh Y, Schütze H.  2015.  Corpus-level Fine-grained Entity Typing Using Contextual Information. Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. :715–725.
Schütze H, Yin W.  2015.  Convolutional Neural Network for Paraphrase Identification. 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies.
Lohmann S, Heimerl F, Bopp F, Burch M, Ertl T.  2015.  Concentri Cloud: Word Cloud Visualization for Multiple Text Documents. 2015 19th International Conference on Information Visualisation. :114-120.
Han Q, Guo J, Schütze H.  2013.  Combining an SVM Classifier and Character N-gram Language Models for Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Text. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2013). :520-524.
Heimerl F, Han Q, Koch S, Ertl T.  2016.  CiteRivers: Visual Analytics of Citation Patterns. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 22:190-199.
Ziering P, van der Plas L, Schütze H.  2013.  Bootstrapping lexicons for technical domains. To Appear. Proceedings of the 6th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing.
Yin W, Schütze H, Xiang B, Zhou B.  2016.  ABCNN: Attention-Based Convolutional Neural Network for Modeling Sentence Pairs. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics.