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Visual Analytics of Terrorist Activities Related to Epidemics. Proc. IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST Challenge 2011 - Grand Challenge Award).
“Beautiful picture of an ugly place”. Exploring photo collections using opinion and sentiment analysis of user comments. Computational Linguistics & Applications (CLA 10). :419-428.
Mashing up for the Masses. Towards a User Oriented Visual Exploration of Interesting Touristic Places Using Collections of Geotagged Photos.. International Journal On Advances in Intelligent Systems (submitted).
Getting There First: Real-Time Detection of Real-World Incidents on Twitter. 2nd IEEE Workshop on Interactive Visual Text Analytics ”Task-Driven Analysis of Social Media” as part of the IEEE VisWeek 2012.
What’s Going On? How Twitter and Online News Can Work in Synergy to Increase Situational Awareness 2nd IEEE Workshop on Interactive Visual Text Analytics ”Task-Driven Analysis of Social Media” as part of the IEEE VisWeek 2012.
Visuelle Textanalyse. Informatik Spektrum.