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Klemm P, Lawonn K, Glaßer S, Niemann U, Hegenscheid K, Völzke H, Preim B.  2016.  3D Regression Heat Map Analysis of Population Study Data. IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 22:81–90.
Scheepens R, Willems N, van de Wetering H, Andrienko G, Andrienko N, vanWijk J.  2011.  Composite Density Maps for Multivariate Trajectories. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). v.17 (12):2518-2527.
Vögele A, Krüger B, Klein R.  2014.  Efficient Unsupervised Temporal Segmentation of Human Motion. 2014 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation. Abstract
Vrochidis S, Bosch H, Moumtzidou A, Heimerl F, Ertl T, Kompatsiaris Y.  2012.  An Environmental Search Engine based on Interactive Visual Classification. ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis for Ecological Data (MAED 2012).
Vrotsou K, Andrienko N, Andrienko G, Jankowski P.  2011.  Exploring City Structure from Georeferenced Photos Using Graph Centrality Measures. Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD 2011). 6913:654-657.
Vrotsou K, Zhi H, Peca I, Andrienko G, Andrienko N.  2012.  Interactive exploration of events and presence of people in space and time through KD-photomap. AVI'12, Proceedings of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. :804-805.
Vögele A, Hermann M, Krüger B, Klein R.  2012.  Interactive Steering of Mesh Animations. In proceedings of 2012 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation.
Klemm P, Oeltze S, Lawonn K, Hegenscheid K, Völzke H, Preim B.  2014.  Interactive Visual Analysis of Image-Centric Cohort Study Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG).
Klemm P, Glaßer S, Lawonn K, Rak M, Völzke H, Hegenscheid K, Preim B.  2015.  Interactive Visual Analysis of Lumbar Back Pain - What the Lumbar Spine Tells About Your Life. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications.
Peca I, Zhi H, Vrotsou K, Andrienko N, Andrienko G.  2011.  KD-Photomap: Exploring Photographs in Space and Time. IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST 2011) Proceedings. :291-292.