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Lehmann DJ, Theisel H.  2011.  Features in Continuous Parallel Coordinates. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (and In Proc. IEEE Visualization).
Lehmann DJ, Theisel H.  2016.  General Projective Maps for Multidimensional Data Projection. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics). 35:toappear.
Holz F, Teresniak S, Heyer G, Scheuermann G.  2010.  Generating a Visual Overview of Large Diachronic Document Collections based on the Detection of Topic Change. Proc. IVAPP 2010: International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications.
Tominski C, Schulz H-J.  2012.  The Great Wall of Space-Time. Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Vision, Modeling and Visualization (VMV'12).
Albuquerque G, Eisemann M, Lehmann DJ, Theisel H, Magnor M.  2010.  Improving the Visual Analysis of High-dimensional Datasets Using Quality Measures. Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (IEEE VAST).
Steffen J, Rak M, König T, Tönnies KD.  2016.  Information Efficient Automatic Object Detection and Segmentation using Cosegmentation, Similarity Based Clustering and Graph Label Transfer. 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM). :397–406.
Tominski C, Forsell C, Johansson J.  2012.  Interaction Support for Visual Comparison Inspired by Natural Behavior. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 18(12):2719--2728.
Rak M, Tönnies KD.  2016.  A Learning-free Approach to Whole Spine Vertebra Localization in MRI. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. :283-290.
Schäfer S, Hentschke CM, Tönnies KD.  2010.  Local Similarity Measures for ROI-based Registration of DCE-MRI of the Breast. Proc. of Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA). :159-163.
Rak M, Tönnies KD.  2016.  On computerized methods for spine analysis in MRI: a systematic review. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (IJCARS). :1–21.
Lehmann DJ, Theisel H.  2016.  Optimal Sets of Projections of High-Dimensional Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 22:609-618.
Lehmann DJ, Theisel H.  2013.  Orthographic Star Coordinates. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings IEEE Information Visualization).
Albuquerque G, Eisemann M, Lehmann DJ, Theisel H, Magnor M.  2009.  Quality-Based Visualization Matrices. Vision Modeling Visualization Workshop (VMV 2009). Abstract
Schäfer S, Tönnies KD.  2012.  Registration of Temporal Ultrasonic Image Sequences Using Markov Random Fields. VMV 2012 - Vision, Modeling and Visualization. :151--166.