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Vrochidis S, Bosch H, Moumtzidou A, Heimerl F, Ertl T, Kompatsiaris Y.  2012.  An Environmental Search Engine based on Interactive Visual Classification. ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis for Ecological Data (MAED 2012).
Luboschik M, Maus C, Schulz H-J, Schumann H, Uhrmacher A.  2012.  Heterogeneity-based guidance for exploring multiscale data in Systems Biology. Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Biological Data Visualization (BioVis'12).
Andrienko G, Andrienko N, Mladenov M, Mock M, Poelitz C.  2012.  Identifying Place Histories from Activity Traces with an Eye to Parameter Impact. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG). v.18 (5):675-688.
Ahlers D, Matute J, Martinez I, Kumar C.  2012.  Mapping the Web resources of a developing country. GI Zeitgeist Young researchers forum on Geographic Information Science 2012(GI Zeitgeist-12).
Tatu A, Maaß F, Färber I, Bertini E, Schreck T, Seidl T, Keim DA.  2012.  Subspace Search and Visualization to Make Sense of Alternative Clusterings in High-Dimensional Data. Procedings of IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST). :63-72.
Sedlmair M, Tatu A, Munzner T, Tory M.  2012.  A Taxonomy of Visual Cluster Separation Factors. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EuroVis 2012). 31(3):1335-1344.
Pelekis N, Andrienko G, Andrienko N, Kopanakis I, Marketos G, Theodoridis Y.  2012.  Visually Exploring Movement Data via Similarity-based Analysis. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. v.38 (2):343-391.
Andrienko G, Andrienko N, Keim DA, MacEachren A, Wrobel S.  2011.  Challenging Problems of Geospatial Visual Analytics. Journal of Visual Languages and Computing. v.22 (4):251-256.
Spretke D, Janetzko H, Mansmann F, Bak P, Kranstauber B, Davidson S, Mueller M.  2011.  Exploration through Enrichment: A Visual Analytics Approach for Animal Movement. Proceedings of the 19th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. :421--424.