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Lehmann DJ, Theisel H.  2016.  General Projective Maps for Multidimensional Data Projection. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics). 35:toappear.
Lehmann DJ, Theisel H.  2010.  Discontinuities in Continuous Scatterplots. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings IEEE Visualization).
Lehmann DJ, Theisel H.  2016.  Optimal Sets of Projections of High-Dimensional Data. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 22:609-618.
Larsen B, Lioma C, Frommholz I, Schütze H.  2012.  Preliminary study of technical terminology for the retrieval of scientific book metadata records. Proceedings of the 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. :1131--1132.
von Landesberger T, Bremm S, Andrienko N, Andrienko G, Tekusova M.  2012.  Visual Analytics Methods for Categoric Spatio-Temporal Data. IEEE Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST 2012) Proceedings.
von Landesberger T, Görner M, Schreck T.  2009.  Visual Analysis of Graphs with Multiple Connected Components. IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST 2009).