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Hermann M, Schunke AC, Klein R.  2014.  Anatomic Segmentation of Statistical Shape Models. Symposium on Statistical Shape Models & Applications (SHAPE2014). Abstract
Hermann M, Schunke AC, Klein R.  2011.  Semantically Steered Visual Analysis of Highly Detailed Morphometric Shape Spaces. In proceedings of BioVis 2011: 1st IEEE Symposium on biological data visualization, Providence. :151-158.
Helms T, Ewald R, Rybacki S, Uhrmacher A.  2013.  A Generic Adaptive Simulation Algorithm for Component-based Simulation Systems. Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSIM conference on Principles of advanced discrete simulation.
Helms T, Ewald R, Rybacki S, Uhrmacher AM.  2015.  Automatic Runtime Adaptation for Component-Based Simulation Algorithms. ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul.. 26(1):7:1–7:24.
Helms T, Rybacki S, Ewald R, Uhrmacher A.  2012.  An adaptive simulator for ML-rules. :Poster@WinterSimulationConference(WSC'12).
Helms T, Luboschik M, Schumann H, Uhrmacher A.  2013.  An Approximate Execution of Rule-Based Multi-level Models. Computational Methods in Systems Biology. 8130:19--32.
Helms T, Ewald R, Rybacki S, Uhrmacher A.  2014.  A Generic Adaptive Simulation Algorithm for Component-based Simulation Systems. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation. 1(2)
Heinsohn N, Gerasch A, Kaufmann M.  2014.  Boundary Labeling Methods for Dynamic Focus Regions. Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2014 IEEE. :243-247.
Heimerl F, Han Q, Koch S, Ertl T.  2016.  CiteRivers: Visual Analytics of Citation Patterns. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 22:190-199.
Heimerl F, Lohmann S, Lange S, Ertl T.  2014.  Word Cloud Explorer: Text Analytics based on Word Clouds (to appear). System Sciences (HICSS), 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on. :31-39.
Heimerl F, Koch S, Bosch H, Ertl T.  2012.  Visual Classifier Training for Text Document Retrieval. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 18:2839-2848.
Hauser D.  2013.  Geovisual analytics for lay users: A user-centred approach. Department of Computing Science Media Informatics and Multimedia Systems Group. MsC
Han Q, Guo J, Schütze H.  2013.  Combining an SVM Classifier and Character N-gram Language Models for Sentiment Analysis on Twitter Text. Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2013). :520-524.
Hadlak S, Schulz H-J, Schumann H.  2011.  In Situ Exploration of Large Dynamic Networks. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 17(12):2334--2343.
Hadlak S, Schumann H, Cap CH, Wollenberg T.  2013.  Supporting the Visual Analysis of Dynamic Networks by Clustering associated Temporal Attributes. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 19(12):2267--2276.
Haack F, Burrage K, Redmer R, Uhrmacher A.  2013.  Studying the Role of Lipid Rafts on Protein Receptor Bindings with Cellular Automata. IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND BIOINFORMATICS. 10(3)