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Albuquerque G, Eisemann M, Lehmann DJ, Theisel H, Magnor M.  2010.  Improving the Visual Analysis of High-dimensional Datasets Using Quality Measures. Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (IEEE VAST).
Eichner C, Nocke T, Schulz H-J, Schumann H.  2015.  Interactive presentation of geo-spatial climate data in multi-display environments. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 4(2):493-514.
John M, Koch S, Heimerl F, Müller A, Ertl T, Kuhn J.  2015.  Interactive Visual Analysis Of German Poetics. Proceedings of the Digital Humanities 2014 (Short Paper).
Koch S, Bosch H, Giereth M, Ertl T.  2009.  Iterative Integration of Visual Insights during Patent Search and Analysis. IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology. Abstract
Koch S, Bosch H, Giereth M, Ertl T.  2010.  Iterative Integration of Visual Insights during Scalable Patent Search and Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
Koch S, Bosch H, Giereth M, Ertl T.  2011.  Iterative Integration of Visual Insights during Scalable Patent Search and Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 17:557-569.
Sacha D, Stoffel A, Stoffel F, Kwon BC, Ellis G, Keim DA.  2014.  Knowledge Generation Model for Visual Analytics. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visual Analytics Science and Technology 2014. 20:1613.
Eisemann M, Albuquerque G, Magnor M.  2014.  A Nested Hierarchy of Localized Scatterplots. SIBGRAPI (Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images) 2014.
Albuquerque G, Eisemann M, Magnor M.  2011.  Perception-based Visual Quality Measures. Proc. {IEEE} Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology {(VAST)} 2011. :13--20.
Albuquerque G, Eisemann M, Lehmann DJ, Theisel H, Magnor M.  2009.  Quality-Based Visualization Matrices. Vision Modeling Visualization Workshop (VMV 2009). Abstract