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Glaßer S, Schäfer S, Oeltze S, Preim U, Tönnies KD, Preim B.  2009.  A Visual Analytics Approach to Diagnosis of Breast DCE-MRI Data. {Proc. on Vision, Modeling, and Visualization (VMV)}. :351–362. Abstract
Heyer G, Holz F, Teresniak S.  2009.  Change of Topics over Time and Tracking Topics by Their Change of Meaning. KDIR '09: Proc. of Int. Conf. on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval.
Kaeppeler U, Höferlin M, Levi P.  2010.  3D Object Localization via Stereo Vision using an Omnidirectional and a Perspective Camera. 2nd. Workshop on Omnidirectional Robot Vision, a workshop of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2010). :7--12.
Seufert S, Bedathur S, Mestre J, Weikum G.  2010.  Bonsai: Growing Interesting Small Trees. Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM'2010), Sydney, Australia.
Boerdgen M, Berkels B, Rumpf M, Cremers D.  2010.  Convex Relaxation for Grain Segmentation at Atomic Scale. Vision, Modeling and Visualization. :179–186.
Lehmann DJ, Theisel H.  2010.  Discontinuities in Continuous Scatterplots. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings IEEE Visualization).
Miklos B, Giesen J, Pauly M.  2010.  Discrete Scale Axis Representations for 3D Geometry. Proceedings of the 37th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH).
Gubichev A, Bedathur S, Seufert S, Weikum G.  2010.  Fast and Accurate Estimation of Shortest Paths in Large Graphs. Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'2010), Toronto, Canada..
Pölitz C, Andrienko G, Andrienko N.  2010.  Finding arbitrary shaped clusters with related extents in space and time. EuroVAST 2010, International Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology. :pp.19-25.
Koch S, Bosch H.  2010.  From static textual display of patents to graphical interactions. Current Challenges in Patent Information Retrieval.
Holz F, Teresniak S, Heyer G, Scheuermann G.  2010.  Generating a Visual Overview of Large Diachronic Document Collections based on the Detection of Topic Change. Proc. IVAPP 2010: International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications.
Kisilevich S, Keim DA, Rokach L.  2010.  GEO-SPADE: A generic google-earth based framework for analysis and exploration of spatiotemporal data.. 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. :13-20.
Albuquerque G, Eisemann M, Lehmann DJ, Theisel H, Magnor M.  2010.  Improving the Visual Analysis of High-dimensional Datasets Using Quality Measures. Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (IEEE VAST).
Nieuwenhuis C, Berkels B, Rumpf M, Cremers D.  2010.  Interactive Motion Segmentation. Interactive Flow Analysis.