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Bosch H, Thom D, Wörner M, Koch S, Püttmann E, Jäckle D, Ertl T.  2011.  ScatterBlogs: Geo-Spatial Document Analysis. IEEE Conference on Visual Analytics Science and Technology.
Kumar C.  2015.  Search and Visualization Methodologies for Multi-Criteria Geographic Retrieval. Department of Computing Science, Media Informatics and Multimedia Systems Group. PhD
Höferlin B, Heidemann G.  2010.  Selection of an Optimal Set of Discriminative and Robust Local Features with Application to Traffic Sign Recognition. WSCG 2010, 18th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision.
Hermann M, Schunke AC, Klein R.  2011.  Semantically Steered Visual Analysis of Highly Detailed Morphometric Shape Spaces. In proceedings of BioVis 2011: 1st IEEE Symposium on biological data visualization, Providence. :151-158.
Richter C, Luboschik M, Röhlig M, Schumann H.  2015.  Sequencing of categorical time series. Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 2015 IEEE Conference on. :213-214.
von Landesberger T, Bremm S, Bernard J, Schreck T.  2010.  Smart Query Definition for Content-Based Search in Large Sets of Graphs. International Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (EuroVAST).
Bekos M, Kaufmann M, Kobourov S, Symvonis A.  2013.  Smooth Orthogonal Layouts. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications. 17:575-595.
Günnemann S, Färber I, Mausbach T, Seidl T.  2014.  SMVC: Semi-Supervised Multi-View Clustering in Subspace Projections. ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'14). 20:253-262.
Andrienko G, Andrienko N, Demar U, Dransch D, Dykes J, Fabrikant S, Jern M.  2010.  Space and Time. Mastering the Information Age -- Solving Problems with Visual Analytics.
Andrienko N, Andrienko G, Barrett L, Dostie M, Henzi P.  2013.  Space Transformation for Understanding Group Movement. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings IEEE VAST 2013). vol. 19(12)
Andrienko G, Andrienko N, Demar U, Dransch D, Dykes J, Fabrikant S, Jern M, Kraak M-J, Schumann H, Tominski C.  2010.  Space, Time, and Visual Analytics. International Journal Geographical Information Science. :pp.1577-1600.