Innovative Filtering Techniques and Customized Analytics Tools

TitleInnovative Filtering Techniques and Customized Analytics Tools
Publication TypeConference Proceedings
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsBosch H, Heinrich J, Höferlin B, Höferlin M, Koch S, Müller C, Reina G, Wörner M
Conference NameIEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology
Project[Project Phase 1] Scalable Visual Analytics of Video Data

The VAST 2009 Challenge consisted of three heterogeneous synthetic
data sets organized into separate mini-challenges with minimal
correspondence information. The challenge task was the identification
of a suspected data theft from cyber and real-world traces.
The grand challenge required integrating the findings from the
mini challenges into a plausible, consistent scenario. A mixture
of linked, customized tools based on queryable models and rapid
prototyping as well as generic analysis tools (developed in-house)
helped us correctly solve all of the mini challenges. A collaborative
analytic process was employed to reconstruct the scenario and to
propose the correct steps for the reliable identification of the criminal
organization based on activity traces of its members.