Uncovering Interaction Patterns in Mobile Outdoor Gaming

TitleUncovering Interaction Patterns in Mobile Outdoor Gaming
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsOrellana D, Wachowicz M, Andrienko N, Andrienko G
Conference Name2009 International Conference on Advanced Geographic Information Systems & Web Services
ISBN Number978-0-7695-3527-2
Project[Project Phase 1] Visual Analytics methods to support the spatiotemporal analysis of movements in a physical space in particular in a geographical space

Significant advances in recreation planning have been achieved thanks to the mobile technology and the ubiquitous computation. Today it is possible to know the real time position of a group of individuals participating in an outdoor game, and to obtain a large amount of data about their movements. However, most analyses have focused onindividual movements based on trajectories. In this paper we present a novel form of conceptualising and analysing human movement, based on a metaphor we have called "movement as interaction" which conceives movement as a result of interaction between individuals, collectives and the environment. The implementation of the proposed approach has enabled us to uncover interaction patterns in a group of children participating in an outdoor game based on mobile technology. The first results demonstrate the feasibility of our approach to detect game interactions.